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Disposal of sewage sludge and solid waste poultry.

Індентифікаційний номер: Offers
Опубліковано: 11 October 2012 Кінцева дата: 11 October 2023
Країна: Україна

Technology includes the processing reagents wastewater with removal and disposal of sludge and manure with litter as organic or organo- mineral granular fertilizer

Ключові слова:

Services, agricultural, environmental, safety, manufacturing, production, fundamental and applied research.

Опис пропозиції

The technology of recycling of sewage sludge and solid waste poultry.

Implementation of effective technology environmentally sound management of poultry (broiler production for example) to obtain a solid waste (manure with litter) and sewage sludge granular organic fertilizer with a ratio of nutrients NPK (%) = 4,14:2,61:1,43 .

The problem of reliable protection of the environment from pollution bird droppings, sewage and Non-waste recycling birds is a hot topic for almost all poultry farms.

Production of poultry products (meat, eggs, etc.). Accompanied by the formation of large quantities of waste - manure with litter (peat, sawdust, etc.) and wastewater. Thus, the total amount of solid waste poultry Ukraine averages 5.7 million tons / year (2009-2011).

Most solid waste (tons) in Kiev - 986, Cherkassy - 871, 805 Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk - 511, Crimea - 779, only in those areas of their accumulated 3.9 million tons / year. Distribution of solid waste in the zones of Ukraine (thousand tons / year): Polesie - 672.8, Forest - 2281, Step - 1600, dry steppe - 260, ARC -778.6.

Solid wastes of poultry contain a large number of ectoparasites, pathogens and pose a threat to animals, people as a source of infectious and parasitic diseases.

Organic fertilizers are made from waste broiler production and sewage sludge, tested in the open field on crops of spring wheat and maize green mass. At a dose of fertilizer from waste poultry to 7 t / ha for the three years of testing in Kagarlyk district of Kyiv region received an increase yield from 17 to 35%, they are environmentally friendly and do not harm the environment.


Тип технології


Сфера застосування

Agricultural science and its practical application, the environment and ecological safety, the use of nature.

Технічні та економічні переваги

The estimation of environmental safety of technologies and economic feasibility of their implementation.


Iнноваційні аспекти

Available range of services for the implementation of agricultural technology with minimal cost and damage to the environment, the maximum economic benefit from the introduction of technology.


Де була представлена технологія

In agricultural enterprises in Ukraine.


Практичний досвід застосування

Agricultural enterprises of Ukraine.

Поточна стадія: Впроваджено
Статус прав інтелектуальної властності:

Умови співпраці:

Тип організації:

The company proposes to implement and looks for a buyer of technology, strategic partner or investor for their commercialization and implementation, project coordinator for participation in FP7 RP8. The variants of cooperation that bring closer technology to implement: investment, strategic partnerships, participation in international projects that will improve the status of development and so on.

Регіони: Азія
Країни СНД
Південна Америка
Північна Америка
Східна Європа
Центральна Європа
Тип співпраці:

The company is a member of COST Cooperation in Science and Technology and is a branch of COST 859 (Agronomy and Biotechnology), and maintains close links with research institutions of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Germany and others. Custom architectural

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