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An online calculator has been launched on the net, which counts the plastic used by man

06 June 2019, 23:03

The new online calculator is designed to help inform how much plastic people use every day.
Omni Calculator helps determine the amount of consumed plastic items in the kitchen (food film and plastic bags), toiletries (cotton wands and toothbrushes), as well as disposable containers and straws.

According to IFL Science, the calculator is filled with data on basic plastic items and calculates consumption based on their weight (which may be different for different brands and products) and probably underestimates the amount of plastic used because of its simplicity.

"He takes into account the average weight of the main items that contain plastic, as well as our everyday habits. The calculator itself is divided into four sections, in which we can enter the number of plastic items used by us within the required unit of time - weeks, months or half a year, "- said the inventor of the calculator Hannah Pamula.

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