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Technology of food additives.

Індентифікаційний номер: Offers
Опубліковано: 04 October 2018 Кінцева дата: 04 October 2022
Країна: Україна

Offered for implementing regulations on food additives, as well as services for the analysis of product quality.

Ключові слова:

Specifications, regulatory documentation, manuals, food, drugs, supplements, tests, equipment, services.

Опис пропозиції

We offer new technologies, to the following regulatory documentation, consulting, equipment, blood products, which will be produced by the documentation.


Production of food additives for improving the quality of meat products:

1. Spice mixtures for breading meat products, TU 15.8-00419880-083:2006.

2. Songs for flavoring meat products "ACS" TU 15.8-00419880-011-2002.

3. Composite additive for dried and smoked sausages "Compact" TU 15.8-00419880-012-2002.

4. Composite additive for dried and smoked sausages "There PSU" TU 15.8-00419880-068-2005.

5. A mixture of spices to cheese "Taste" TU 15.8-00419880-003-2001.

Determination of biochemical parameters of meat and dairy products and GMO in food.


Сфера застосування

Enterprises meat industries.

Технічні та економічні переваги

Processing instructions for new products approved in the prescribed manner.

Drugs and supplements made pilot production and comply with applicable ND. Recommendations for their use.

Equipment manufactured by mechanical plant institute.

The aid installation and debugging process equipment.

Blood products produced by technologies will be conducted in certified laboratories.

Iнноваційні аспекти

Manufacturing process equipment research enterprise.


Де була представлена технологія

Businesses and shops for production of meat products.


Практичний досвід застосування

Businesses and shops for production of meat products.

Поточна стадія: Впроваджено
Статус прав інтелектуальної властності:

Умови співпраці:

Тип організації:

Recommendations for the use of documentation and implementation technologies.

Регіони: Азія
Країни СНД
Східна Європа
Центральна Європа
Підтримка, що надається при передачі технічного проєкту:

Offer advice on the implementation of technologies of production.

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